Choking can be unexpected and turn out to be serious if taken lightly. Enrolling in First Aid of Choking Australia can be a good addition to save people around you.
When our kids are young, it is common to hear them cough or gag during meals. We often dismiss these as signs of a child being fussy about eating.
As they grow older, however, coughing and gagging can be serious signs of choking.
These symptoms should not be ignored as they could lead to serious problems like death if not treated immediately by an expert doctor at a hospital near you.
Coughing Or Gagging
The most important signs of choking are coughing, gagging or retching, and trying to speak. In particular, if you see someone coughing forcefully with their hands around their throat or shoulders hunched up with their head tilted forward, they may be choking.
If you hear a high-pitched sound coming from the person's nose or mouth as though they're trying to breathe through it but can't, that would also indicate that they're choking.
If you notice any of these symptoms of First Aid of Choking Australia when someone is eating or drinking something and they start turning blue around the lips (it's called cyanosis), it's time to act fast!
You should put one hand on the victim's back between their shoulder blades and push them down towards their stomach—this will help get air into their lungs faster so that oxygen can flow into them again.
The other thing you should do is try rubbing between their shoulder blades hard enough so that it hurts—that way it'll force more air out of them quickly as well as loosen whatever food was stuck inside there so that it can come up easier.
Inability To Breathe
In the event that you're choking, remember that breathing is the most important thing. If you can't breathe, you won't be able to call for help with First Aid of Choking Australia and start getting yourself out of danger.
If a person is choking and cannot cough, they should do the Heimlich Maneuver immediately. This is because coughing helps clear air pathways through your throat.
Turning Bluish Around The Lips
If someone is blue around the lips or fingers, they are experiencing a lack of oxygen. This means that they may be choking and need help quickly.
We hope you now better understand what it means to choke.
It’s important to know what signs and symptoms of choking are so that you can seek medical attention immediately if they occur.
If someone is showing any of these signs, call the emergency number immediately or perform the Heimlich maneuver on them until the object dislodges.